Troll Tales

Troll Tales is an animated television show based on the book by Henning Kure. it involves three young trolls called Snapper, Tumbler and Willy Wee.



Show Overview and Structure

Join the adventures of the three young trolls Snapper, Tumbler, and willy Wee, as they explore the magical Troll forest and in their own unique way - make sure that the elves, nixes and other faerie folk will never forget (not forgive them). The Trolls are an anarchistic lot, always on the lookout for fun. They never realise what havoc they wreak, nor do they care. They are mischievous but harmless. Everyone in the magical forest knows our three heroes by the pranks they play and the adventures they share.



Voiced by Kathleen Barr.Snapper is a rather scrawny troll child from a forest filled of magic creatures. He is generally pretty disliked by just about everyone in the forest due to the constant pranks he plays on anyone he comes across. He is very cunning (although he might seem dumb, as he cannot even count to two!). He is also a master at every kind of music instrument he learns the basics off( He learned to play violin like a pro just like "Snap!"), but favours the flute. While he generally doesn't care about the consequences of his actions, he often resolves bad situations he played a part in instigating. He has a little troll named Willy Wee living in his hat. He has a really big ego.


Voiced by Cathy Weseluck Tumbler is a fat little troll child. He is rather dull and mostly just tags along with Snapper, agrees with snapper when he compliments himself, and takes part in his pranks.He is rather shy.

Willy Wee

Willy Wee is a nano-troll. He doesn't like any of the creatures in the forest that much, except Snapper, Bandit, and Huldra.

Black King

Voiced by Jesse Moss.

Supporting Characters


Huldra is a (self-appointed, the other vittlings doesn't thinks she's ready yet, "The Hunt doesn't call her") huntress of the Vittling Folk(They seem to be some kind of goblinish creatures...). Huldra is the laughing stock of her tribe, being kinda clumsy(while still being just as agile as any other vittling), and short-thinking sometimes, as well as being one of Snappers main targets for pranks. She yearns to prove that she can be just as good a hunter as the adult Vittlings(though she is a kid). She seems to have some kind of liking for Snapper, as she enjoyed kissing him just to see his reaction, as well getting pretty jealous when a mermaid flirted with him.


Hudra's pet moose/elk. He is very gluttonous and has a sweet tooth. He is also rather dumb.



Voiced by Michael Dobson. Gnarlyconk is a short-tempered troll who is Snapper's arch nemesis.


Voiced By Scott Mcneil


Voiced by Michael Dobson Rumbletum is a dim-witted troll. He has a problem of passing gas.


the resident troll witch.



Voiced by Myriam Sirois. Camille is bright and adventurous young elf girl who works for the High queen of Gyintistorm and meets Snapper and the crew in Troll Tales: The Magic of Ten The Movie. At first, she was annoyed with him. But she began to have a great liking to Snapper.

The Chuzzlewitts

The Chuzzlewits are a family of wealthy bonzuks who own an estate. Hayden (voiced by Chiara Zanni) a Chuzzlewit girl who claims to be an experience thinker. She's normally accompanied by two Chuzzlewit boys, Harry(voiced by Ian James Corlett) and Gary (voiced by Michael Dobson), who appear to be dim-witted like Rumbletum. However, the parents of the Chuzzlewits and the Troll folk do not get along pretty well.


The Wolf

The Nix

Voiced by Michael Dobson


Voiced by Tim Curry. Nivek (not to be confused with the famous singer Nivek Ogre) is a cunning power-hungry ogre who wants to rule the world. He wears an iron mask on his face due to a skerzil bite which ate the skin and some of the muscle. His favorite forms are a raven and a giant cobra

Scritch and Scratch

Voiced by Eric Idle and John DiMaggio. Scritch and Scratch are Nivek's gargoyle henchmen. Scritch (voiced by Eric Idle) is the scrawny, intelligent gargoyle while Scratch (voiced by John DiMaggio) is the fat, dim-witted gargoyle. They appear in Troll Tales Quest for the Mages: the movie, along with Nivek.